Services and Prices

We will create the book’s text based on your ideas, stories, thoughts, knowledge, and experience.

The result of our collaboration is a manuscript ready to be submitted to a publisher or self-published.


All services are included in a single price, which is conveniently tied to the length of the final text. Payment is made in installments (for every 10,000 words), no more than once a month.

The final cost depends on the length of the book. A small book requires a minimum of 30,000 words (three payments), while a medium-sized book needs 60-80,000 words (six to eight payments).

For example, the cost of preparing a manuscript based on interviews for a medium-sized book of 60,000 words would be $2,100 (six payments of $350 over six months to a year).

In some cases, the price of services may be adjusted up or down, which is discussed individually and in advance.

If confidentiality is required, the payment will be higher.

If you want to start with an article, we can co-write a long read of 750-1,500 words for up to $100.



  1. We work only on a prepaid basis.
  2. You can pause the work on the book or terminate the collaboration at any time without any claims from us. Please note that the prepayment is non-refundable.
  3. If confidentiality is required, the service cost will be higher (discussed individually).
  4. If we work without a confidentiality agreement, you must acknowledge our assistance in the book. Typically, authors write, "Thank you to Nataliia Tolmachova / Maksym Momot for your collaboration on the book."
  5. All rights to the book belong to the author (client).
  6. We do not create books on the same topic simultaneously for different clients.
  7. We do not complete test tasks. If you want to decide whether to collaborate with us on writing a book, you can order the creation of an article (longread) based on your author’s materials.
  8. We do not plagiarize. We accept other people’s materials from you only for reference or for use in your book with proper citations.
  9. We do not write about esotericism, pseudoscience, infobusiness, or any other forms of quackery.
  10. In the event that a client violates our agreements, we reserve the right to complete the paid work and refuse further cooperation.


  1. We discuss your future book. We find out what, for whom, and how you want to write.
  2. We fill out and agree on a brief for the manuscript to ensure that we share the same understanding of what and how we will do the work and to confirm our agreements.
  3. We receive the first payment for preparing the first part of the text. (All work that may be needed for this is included in one price and tied to the volume of the finished text).
  4. We gather and organize your materials, selecting ideas, arguments, cases, and stories for the book, and refine the concept, including the text structure.
  5. After receiving all the necessary author materials and decisions from you, we create the first part of the text consisting of 10,000 words.
  6. We receive the next payment and create the next portion of the text. This cycle repeats until the entire book is completed.
  7. We edit the full manuscript at our discretion (as many times as we deem necessary) and up to three times based on your feedback, wishes, and comments.
  8. We finalize the manuscript after feedback from beta readers (making the final minor adjustments to the text).
  9. We send you the finished manuscript, which can be submitted to a publisher for pre-press preparation or prepared for independent print and/or digital publication. Pre-press preparation includes literary editing, academic editing (if necessary), proofreading, design, and layout, and typically does not exceed the cost of one or two of our payment installments, except in cases where the author orders expensive illustrations or other unnecessary expensive services.
  10. We support you throughout the publishing process. In about half of the cases, our clients publish their books at their own expense or with the help of sponsors through well-known publishers. Sometimes, at the author's request, we respond to questions from publishers or editors. If needed, we can prepare a book proposal and a cover letter to help find a publisher willing to publish your book at their expense.

Thank you for reading all the way through!

If you have any questions, write to us by email or messenger; contact details are at the bottom of every page.

Created: May 21, 2024, 3:11 p.m.
Changed: Sept. 5, 2024, 6:35 p.m.